30 Years Of Cigar Aficionado: Who Was Marvin R. Shanken’s Target Reader?

Founder, editor & publisher of Cigar Aficionado, Marvin R. Shanken, sat down with executive editor David Savona to talk the conception of the magazine and its target audience.

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What You Need to Know About Cigars

Cigars are a popular way to unwind and relax, and many people enjoy them on occasion. But they are also known to cause irritation to others and a small risk of health problems such as lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

The cigar: What You Need to Know

When a cigar is made, a huge number of hands are involved in its production, ranging from the farmers who grow the tobacco to the workers in the factories that make them. The cigar itself will go through several stages of hand-crafting, including destemming or despalillo, a process where the thick central vein is removed from the outer wrapper leaves.

The aging of cigars is an important part of the process. It dissipates the acidity in the tobacco and allows for its mellower personality to come through. The tertiary aging is the perfect time to let a cigar develop its full flavor, and it’s a process that can be done by the consumer on their own as well.

What to Look for when Buying Cigars

A cigar that isn’t made correctly can severely impact the smoking experience. The construction, size and shape of a cigar can have a dramatic impact on the smoke’s flavor. It can also have an impact on the draw of a cigar.

A good quality cigar will be constructed with premium tobaccos that are sourced from the highest quality growing regions. It should also be made with good tobaccos that have been aged to their optimum point. This is the best way to ensure that you’ll be able to enjoy the cigar to its fullest potential.

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